= AZT : Teleporter HD
- Control your Teleporter
- Fight against United Human Kingdom
- superb HD Graphic is waiting !!
= 3 Games in 1 Application
- Main Game : AZT : Teleporter
- Extra Game : Human Leader Story
- Bonus Game : Human Attack
= Summon 7 Machines !!
[1] Teleporter
- He can Create & Summon Machines
- can also Teleport & Attack Humans
[2] Lightning
- has power to be a SuperLightning
[3] Healer
- Pretty female healing machine
- She can turn into Support Mode
[4] Destroyer
- has some powerful splash attacks
- He can turn into a Bomb
[5] Summoner
- He can summon 6 skeletons
- and let them attack Humans
[6] Alchemist
- He can create AngryPotion
- He can turn into Rolling Mode
[7] Monster
- the Best Machine who fights alone
= Crash Problem
- AZT is designed to be played
- at iPhone4 or better devices
- If you are having some kind of
- Crash Problem
- First free all your other applications
- then turn OFF your device once
- and then launch AZT
- If you still face crash
- write down your device
- and iOS version and
- send it to our twitter plz
= 5 Difficulties
- Normal Mode : Easy for Everyone
- Hard Mode : Fun for Everyone
- Angry Mode : Great for Everyone
- Hell Mode : Only for the Experts
- Bonus Mode : Bonus for Fans
- HD Graphic for iPhone & iPad
- Supports Game Center !!